Exchanges or store credit may be issued for damaged or defective items that are reported within 14 days upon receiving delivery.

The procedure for returning damaged or defective merchandise is as follows:

  • Please e-mail invoice# + photos to  
  • Please fill out the 'Return Authorization Request Form' that will be provided via E-mail.
  • You will receive an email RMA confirmation once your RMA request has been reviewed.
  • If your return request has been approved, you will receive a separate email containing a return call tag to send back the merchandise.
  • Store credit will be issued to your account once we have received the returned items and will automatically be applied to your next invoice.


If you are unsatisfied with your merchandise from an online order, we will gladly issue store credit for a return request submitted within 7 days upon receiving delivery. You will be responsible for shipping back the merchandise undamaged on your own terms.


  1. All returns are issued by store credit or refunds
  2. Shipping and handling charges are non-refundable.
  3. All returns must be approved prior to shipping to receive credit. Any returns sent to our showroom without prior approval will NOT receive full refund or store credit.
  4. Any requests for returns and exchanges after 14 days will not be approved.